Monday, May 9, 2011

Thursday Night Swing with Steven Mitchell Band

The monthly anticipated Thursday Night Swing night with the Steven Mitchell Band was held once again and hosted by Swing Zing...

Steven Mitchell and his band were amazing and lent some awesome dance tunes for the dancers to swing away.

The night also paid tribute to the late Frankie Manning. Frankie Manning is one person who needs no introduction in the Swing Dancing world. He was a dance instructor, American dancer, a friend to many people, and also considered one of the founding fathers of Swing Dancing.

The night also said farewell to a Jake Meadley, a dance instructor at Swing Zing, friend to all of us, who has taken up work in Corrigin. We wish him all the best!

For more photos from this set or to order a print, please check out Dabelyn Photography on Facebook.


Hullabaloo Day 5, My favourites!

We should consider every day lost
in which we do not Dance at least once"

- Nietzsche

We spent the last day of the Perth Lindy Exchange at the beautiful scenic King's Park. It was a sunny afternoon, a lovely picnic had been set up, Giant Jenga... and fellow dancers gathered. 

Onlookers stopped and stared to marvel at the group's obvious circus talent. Thank you to Trevor Hutchinson & Paul Stone who helped with some of these photos. 

Here are some of my favourites...

Hulla Mascot, Freda, photo by Trevor Hutchinson 


Juan, Shesha & Dan


Shesha & Nikki Marvin (USA)


Rockin' out

The gang

Playing Kangaroos...

In the evening, we headed off to End End Bar in Fremantle for some social dancing... the place was classy... and the drinks... yum.

Jarrad Marshall- Mr DJ

Teachers- What are u doing Shesha?

Well, until next year! Don't forget to check out the full set of photos on Dabelyn Photography on Facebook... place your photo print orders! 

Thank you to everyone for their dancing, smiles, without you guys, these awesome photos would not exist.

Dabelyn xo

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Hullabaloo 2011

"Great dancers are not great because of their technique; they are great because of their passion."
- Martha Graham

This year's Perth Lindy Exchange proved to be a great success! 5 days of dancing, 2 days of workshops, and many friendships made! 

Day 4, The Shim Sham at the Ball

I must thank a few of my friends who took the camera reins (Trevor & Alice, and a few more) and made sure I got into some shots too! 

Here are a few photos I really loved from the event!

Day 1, Kulcha - Paul & Sharon

Day 2, Perth Dinghy Club- Alice & the Performance Team Celebrating

Shesha & Nikki Marvin (USA) - Dance Instructors 

Day 3, Dance Instructors Juan Villafane (Arg) & Sharon Davis (Per/Arg)

Day 3, Jack & Jill Competition

Day 3, the Judges look on... putting on judge face

Day 3, Nikki & Shesha Marvin (USA)

Day 3, Shobhana & Andy Fodor (Mel)

Day 4, The Crystal Ball, Watching Mum & Dad

Day 4, The Crystal Ball, Libby Hammer performs

Day 4, the ball... love the look on Nicole's face, timeless

Day 4, The Crystal Ball, the ladies

Day 4, The ball Nikki & Shesha Marvin (USA)

Nikki & Shesha Marvin (USA) 

Nikki & Shesha Marvin (USA)

Sharon Davis (Per/ Arg) & Juan Villafane (Arg)

Day 4, The Crystal Ball

Day 4, Crystal Ball

For more photos from day 1 to 4, please visit the Dabelyn Photography Facebook page. 
Favourite photos from Day 5 to come soon... :)

Love this photo taken by Alice Devillers at the Ball... I'll have to pay her now